Conference & Workshops

Workshop Title

Climate Change and Environmental Adaptation and its Impact on Empowering Women in Nature Reserves

in collaboration with the

"To Strengthen the National Protected Area (PA) System and Promote Integrated Ecosystem Management in Adjacent Areas to Reduce Threats to Biodiversity, Mitigate Land Degradation, Sustain Ecosystem Services and Improve Livelihoods."

Partners and Sponsorship

Gender and climate logos


  • Component 4 Knowledge Management, Gender Mainstreaming, and M&E: Lessons learned from the project via active participation of all stakeholder groups in the project implementation
  • Climate action cannot be successful or sustainable if it does not involve women
  • The spirit and vitality of women should never be underestimated as a catalyst for change

Main Objectives

  • Focus on Sudanese women as agents of change
  • Empowering Sudanese women to help improve the quality of life for their families and communities, while promoting sustainable development
  • Develop a vision for a mechanism to empower women and activate their role in disseminating new knowledge and raising awareness of women's ability to lead change towards the issues related to climate change and protection of natural resources in Sudan

Workshop Gallery 


Information Flyers

Workshop Report and Recommendations

Workshop Report (Arabic)
